Category Archives: Sexism

#changefifanow: Sexist + homophobic Blatter


Der DFC Kreuzberg beim Champions League Finale der Frauen


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Field report from the UEFA Respect and Diversity Conference

During the two-day event (10th and 11th of September in Rome) organized by UEFA, with the support of the Fare network and FIFPro, the world players’ union, and hosted by the Italian Football Federation, 250 representatives from within football, political and governmental organizations, experts and Fare member delegates representing NGOs and minority groups met in Rome to find solutions and plan actions against discrimination in football.

For DISCOVER FOOTBALL, Pia Mann participated as a delegate in the conference. In the following interview she talks about Michel Platini, quota for more diversity in leadership positions and dress codes.

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The Future on Women´s Football – BBC Documentary

Women’s football is one of the world’s fastest growing sports, with over 30 million women participating worldwide. Yvonne Macken reports on the struggle to establish the women’s game and explores what it is about football that can have men and women love it with an equal intensity and, seemingly to some, irrational passion.

With the men’s elite game under increased global scrutiny, Yvonne Macken assesses whether women’s football could be a lifeline. She hears the experiences of young women from Trinidad and Tobago, Iceland, Brazil, Japan, the UK, the USA and Africa.
Dr Samie, affiliate scholar from the Centre for Sport, Peace & Society, highlights the interest and challenges for women playing in the Middle East. Meanwhile, sports historian Dr Jean Williams reveals football’s ancient roots, and financial analyst Steve Clapham challenges the lack of disclosure in the age of global branded leagues. Has commercialisation taken the league too far from its own grassroots and can you mix profit with passion?Caitlin Fisher, of the Guerreiras Project contributes to the program as well. 
With football organisations globally evolving a sustainable business model for the women’s game, and with the 2015 World Cup in their sights, Yvonne asks what strategies will allow young girls the option to choose football as a viable career just like the boys.

Listen here.